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Last Updated:
3/13/2025 11:03 AM




For Individuals, Independent Rescuers and Shelters


Shelters and Independent Rescuers: Please complete the online form.

If you are an owner relinquishing your Border Collie and are trying to decide whether to choose a Rescue or the Shelter, you should understand:

Border Collies do NOT generally do well in a shelter environment.   BCs are sensitive dogs who are easily overstimulated by commotion; unable to control the chaos, their behavior can be affected.  They may retreat and withdraw, becoming depressed, or they may become high strung, aggressive, and “kennel crazy.”    These behaviors make them appear unadoptable and can lead to them being euthanized.

Before giving up your dog, please consider working with a trainer or behavior specialist who can help you find a solution that will allow your dog to remain in your family and for you to enjoy a treasured companion.

We are happy to recommend trainers in your area. 

If you can no longer keep your Border Collie, please fill out the Online Courtesy Listing / Relinquish Form.  This is not a guarantee that we will be able to take your dog into one of our foster homes, but it may help you to rehome your dog through our listings on a dedicated page on our website.  Several owners who listed their dogs on our Courtesy Listing pages have been successful in rehoming their dogs in this way.  The owner is responsible for all inquiries about your dog.  The adoption is between the owner and the potential adopter.  


In order to process your relinquishment request, we must receive this completed form, along with photos of the dog you wish to relinquish.  Photos must be sent to comebyebcr@hotmail.com (or via snail mail to the rescue's address shown in the Contact Us link above) as soon after submitting the form as possible.  All photos should be taken within five (5) feet of the dog at the dog's level.  Videos are also a good way to showcase your dog.  We can add a YouTube url for your dog's videos.











































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